Europe is an occupied territory...


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Grim reading. I don't know what to say, beyond what I've said numerous times already: Why the entire West is not in open, violent bloody revolt, has not been in open violent, bloody revolt since March of 2020, is incomprehensible to me. But at least 95% of the Morons do not see it, can't be made to see it. I can well believe my friend Stefan's comment that 90% of human beings are simply incapable of deductive or inductive reasoning.

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Fascists hate one thing above all things.. The TRUTH.. Generally anyone speaking openly about their atrocities will be flagged for termination... This is how the FOUL ESTABLISHMENT gets on without people drawing attention to the bleeding obvious!

The "bleeding" being the TRUTH-TELLERS.

Did we see it coming with the "vaccinated economy"? Yep. What about the Mandatory jabs cloaked as voluntary? The martial-law? Yep and Yep. And the push Censorship?? Ah-ha..

Those that couldn't (and still can't)? I'm afraid they aren't entirely themselves anymore.. They are taking their beliefs and instructions (whether they know it or not) from a foul NWO.

Those in power through-out the western world, installed or compliant to the NWO.

The media pander to the NWO.

The World banks, NGO's, Intel Agencies all the same.

The private organizations are members of the same or answerable to the largest shareholders, also loyal to NWO.

What was one of the first things Hitler did when he was placed into power (I mean after the torching of the Parliament apparently by Communists), was to round up all those opposed the fascist party and dispose of them.

Fascism is again what are facing today. But the cartel has every person profiled, tracked and traced and has Energy weapons world-wide that can kill without a trace and make it look like an unfortunate medical episode.

The can censor and provoke to insanity without lifting a finger. they can induce a myriad of diseases and all without a trace.

What a time to be alive!

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